Sunday, December 13, 2009
Amish buggy ride
I went Amish! I was to go to my friends house this morning in Mill Hall for an Empty Bobbins xmas party. Left the house at 9. No rain. Went over the Loganton mt on Rockey road and at the top which was 15 minutes later, it was a solid sheet of ice. so I couldn't get down into Mill Hall, I pulled into a church and they invited me inside for the childrens Christmas play. They were really nice to me. Came out at 11:30 and the road was slushy so I figured get home. Got 1/2 way down rockey road and it turned to ice again. So I called Craig, he said you have gas, pull off the road, keep warm by running the car. I pulled over at the last farm on that road, which had burned down a month ago, so I was alone on the mt and along came an Amish buggy heading for Rauchtown, he picked me up. It was a closed in buggy so we didn't get wet. The horse did good, didn't slide but the buggy kept sliding off the road, he was coming right by the house to visit his friends that bought Pop Knarrs old farm. I told him small world and he turned out to be cousin to the little Henry Beiler who comes up to our house to do wood. What a fun ride. Can't believe it. I told Craig I am going to sell my story for movie rights! I had fun all day being stranded. My girlfriends from Wmpst. went 220 and was stuck on the beltway for 2 hr 45 min till a salt truck came. They were freezing and eating the cookies they were to take to the party.Patti had to go potty so nothing to do but hold a blanket up between the car doors so she could go. What a day to remember. Craig and I went back after the car around 4. The plow trucks still have not done anything to the roads
Friday, November 27, 2009
Winter is here. We put up a gazebo over the hot tub. Now we can be out in the tub in the rain and snow. I also do not have to shovel the top off. The top is new and we don't want it ruined by weather. I decorated it with lights inside. It is neat. Notice all the wood that is ready for the long cold winter. Craig and I just both had our right hands operated on so we are both very sore and not lifting alot.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Going into fall
Got back from Shane & Kristi's beginning of Aug. we spent 1 week out there. My mom passed away Aug 25 so suddenly. I have just been trying to get back together since then. She is really the last my relatives that give a hoot about me. Now I have just Shane, Kristi, Craig and Helen and Wayne.
My garden did somewhat good. Tomatoes and Asparagus. A few peppers. Pulling the boat in the next week. Time to stack wood. They start delivering in 2 weeks.
I am posting some pictures of out in WA state w/ the kids.
My garden did somewhat good. Tomatoes and Asparagus. A few peppers. Pulling the boat in the next week. Time to stack wood. They start delivering in 2 weeks.
I am posting some pictures of out in WA state w/ the kids.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Yard Sale Aftermath
Community yardsale yesterday. Always second sat of May. I had stuff from grams estate and other stuff that needed sorted out and finally do something with it. Craigs mom brought down some stuff too. She came down to help. We ended up making about 130$ and Anna's 2 girls and 2 boys came up for a cook out and to visit. Amish kids. They are so good.
After the kids left and we relaxed it was time to break out the beer. Helen wanted a drink of Craigs and I snapped this picture. She said during the day, if she was younger, she would buy a trike motorcycle. She was wearing my harley davidson hat all day and got a great picture of her. We had fun.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Thru later months of winter we started feeding wild turkeys. We had 50 birds a day coming in. 20 large gobblers, the rest hens and young jakes. They were going thru 50 lbs of corn and grain per week. I loved watching them. We quit feeding them early April so they would leave due to an overactive neighbor with gun sights on them. I miss them.
Started a garden yesterday. The day was in the 50's but windy so it was too cold to ride motorcycle and the garden needed digging. I started digging but it was too much for me so I recruited muscle to help. Craig dug while i picked up the soddy grass top and moved it. This week my friend Anna said we can come to her farm to get horse fertilizer and I will work it into the soil every couple days until we can safely plant after the frost. Its still getting down to 30 on some nights. This is the first year that we are putting in a large garden due to prices at stores and bad economy. I plan on tomatoes, for sauce , green peppers, lettuce for salads and cauliflower. Some how I will have to keep the dogs out of the garden when the fertilizer is on it. They love rolling in stuff. Bubbles just started rolling and she was always the princess before. I guess living with a hog like Skipper all these years is finally wearing off on her. I will post garden updates thru the spring and summer.
Saturday, January 17, 2009

Last night it got down in temp to -10 below 0. Of course this morning we had frozen water pipes. Worked and worked heating the line and no go. No cold water at the sink. We have water everywhere else. If the pipes burst, then I am so tired of this every winter, we will move the pipes into the house. Couldn't get the diesel tractor to start to bring in wood so we had to use the truck. We are both so tired of cold and exhausted trying to keep this house running and warm. We need to move to WA state. Shane and Kristi are riding their motorcycles now. I am putting in a picture of Kristi's new bike.
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